Enza Zaden is a Dutch vegetable breeding company, developing vegetable varieties and selling the seeds to clients worldwide. Their portfolio consists of more than 1200 vegetable varieties. With innovation the company introduces about 100 new ones every year.

For Enza Zaden we produce a wide variety of films and photography. We create so-called “grower videos”, testimonials of agricultural growers who use Enza seeds and talk openly about their experiences. Besides these we make product videos, promotional videos for specific campaigns and after movies of events. Within this category one event is worth mentioning: the Discovery Field Days. This is an international event held on four locations in the Netherlands, Germany and France. We produce photography and video content on all these locations, using local crews that we screen, select and direct from a distance!

“In the end this results in a plant that is well balanced. And one that stays nice and generative.”